Definition of So to speak

1. Adverb. As if it were really so. "She lives here, as it were"

Exact synonyms: As It Were

2. Adverb. In a manner of speaking. "The feeling is, as we say, quite dead"
Exact synonyms: As We Say

Definition of So to speak

1. Adverb. In a manner of speaking. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of So To Speak

so far so good
so fashion
so long
so long, and thanks for all the fish
so long as
so many
so much
so much as
so much for
so quiet one can hear a pin drop
so so
so that
so there
so they say
so to say
so to speak
so what
soak the runner
soak through
soak up
soaked to the bone
soaked to the skin

Literary usage of So to speak

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann, Edward Aloysius Pace, Condé Bénoist Pallen, Thomas Joseph Shahan, John Joseph Wynne (1913)
"It was, so to speak, at t he- foot of the Cross that the Christian heart first made the acquaintance of the Heart of Mary. Simeon's prophecy paved the way ..."

2. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1845)
"... and spent some well-devoted labor, in after years, on the compilation of a very minute, and, so to speak, highly dramatic History of the Union. ..."

3. Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Standard Work of Reference in Art, Literature (1907)
"What is the nature of that reality which makes the content, so to speak, of the process of evolution ? and III. How is the process effected ? ..."

4. South Eastern Reporter by West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, West Publishing Company, South Carolina Supreme Court (1903)
"In order to see the bearing of these exceptions, the picture, so to speak, of the witness, the questions asked of him, and the true attitude of the ..."

5. Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology by Joseph Thomas (1901)
"It may suffice briefly to notice a few of the principal battles which constituted, so to speak, turning-points in the history of the war, and which had an ..."

6. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1868)
"His favourite studies led him to explore the recesses of theological and metaphysical lore, lie was, so to speak, the child and intellectual heir of Niebuhr ..."

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